Summertime Hedging: Can You Plant a Hedge in Summer?

Summertime Hedging: Can You Plant a Hedge in Summer?

When it comes to enhancing the beauty and functionality of our outdoor spaces, hedges serve as a perfect solution. Not only do they offer privacy and security, but they also add a touch of natural elegance to any landscape. However, a common question in gardening circles is, “Can you plant a hedge in summer?” Traditionally, most hedging plants have been recommended in spring and autumn. Still, recent gardening advancements have also made it possible to plant a hedge during the warmer months. This article will explore the pros and cons of planting a hedge in summer, the types of hedging plants suitable for this season, and essential tips for ensuring successful growth.

Recommended Planting Time for Hedging

Historically, the recommended planting times for hedges have been spring and autumn. These periods offer milder temperatures and more moisture, which promote better root establishment and overall growth. In contrast, summer’s hot and dry conditions can pose challenges for newly planted hedges. However, planting a hedge in summer can still yield successful results with proper care and attention.

Can You Plant a Hedge in Summer?

Yes, you can plant a hedge in summer. While spring and autumn are traditionally recommended planting times, advancements in gardening practices have made it possible to plant hedging plants during the warmer months. Choose suitable varieties like evergreen or deciduous plants, water them adequately, prepare the site properly, and provide protection from extreme conditions. Although it may not result in an instant hedge, you can establish a thriving hedge with care and patience in the summer.

Types of Hedging Plants Suitable for Summer Planting

The success of planting a hedge in summer largely depends on the hedging plants chosen. Certain varieties are better equipped to withstand harsh conditions and adapt quickly to their new environment. Here are some examples of suitable hedging plants for summer planting:

Evergreen Hedging

Evergreen hedging plants maintain their foliage throughout the year, making them ideal for creating privacy screens and year-round beauty. Varieties such as Boxwood, Privet, and Laurel are popular choices for summer planting. These plants often come as pot-grown hedging, allowing more flexibility in planting times.

Deciduous Hedges

Deciduous hedges shed their leaves during the winter, and planting them in summer provides ample time to establish their root system before facing colder temperatures. Hedging plants like Beech, Hornbeam, and Hawthorn fall under this category and are commonly available as bare root hedging or root-balled plants.

Advantages of Planting a Hedge in Summer

While the traditional planting times are still preferable, summer planting has its benefits, which makes it a viable option for gardeners:

Instant Hedge Formation

One of the significant advantages of planting a hedge in summer is that the warm weather encourages rapid growth. With the right conditions and care, you can witness an instant hedge forming before the end of the season.

Availability of Pot-Grown Plants

Many hedging plants are now available as pot-grown plants, which can be planted at any time of the year. These potted plants have a well-developed root system, making them more adaptable to changing weather conditions.

Tips for Successful Summer Hedge Planting

Real tips always work great for plant health. But what are the tips for summer? To ensure the success of your hedge planted in summer, follow these essential tips:

Choose the Right Time of the Year

While summer planting is possible, it is best to avoid planting during the peak of summer when temperatures are scorching. Opt for early summer or late summer when temperatures are relatively milder.

Prepare the Soil Properly

Before planting, ensure that the site is well-prepared with fertile soil. Incorporate organic matter to improve the soil’s structure and water retention capacity.

Water the Plants Adequately

Watering is critical for the survival of newly planted hedging plants in summer. Be diligent in watering the plants during dry spells, ensuring the top of the root ball is moist. A regular watering schedule is essential until the root system becomes established.

Mulch and Protect

Applying a layer of organic mulch around the base of the plants helps retain moisture, suppresses weeds, and regulates soil temperature. Additionally, use shade cloth or windbreaks to protect the young plants from excessive heat and wind.

Final Thought

Although traditionally, spring and autumn have been favoured for planting hedges, planting a hedge in summer is possible. You can achieve successful results by selecting suitable hedging plants, providing proper care, and following essential guidelines. Whether you opt for evergreen or deciduous varieties, the key lies in maintaining adequate moisture levels and protecting the young plants from extreme weather conditions. With these considerations in mind, you can create a stunning hedge that enhances the aesthetics and functionality of your outdoor space, regardless of the time of the year.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I plant any hedges in summer?

While it is possible to plant hedges in summer, certain hedging plants are more suitable for this season. Evergreen hedges, such as Boxwood, Privet, Laurel, and deciduous hedges, like Beech, Hornbeam, and Hawthorn, are commonly planted during summer.

Is it more challenging to establish a hedge planted in summer?

Planting a hedge in summer does present some challenges due to the hotter and drier conditions. However, with proper care, including regular watering, soil preparation, and mulching, you can overcome these challenges and help the plants establish a strong root system.

Should I choose pot-grown hedging plants or bare-root plants for summer planting?

Both pot-grown and bare-root plants can be suitable for summer planting, depending on the availability and specific requirements of the chosen hedging plant. Pot-grown plants generally have a more established root system and can be planted at any time of the year, while bare-root plants are often more cost-effective and readily available during the dormant season.

How often should I water my newly planted hedge during summer?

Proper watering is crucial for the survival and establishment of a hedge planted in summer. Water the plants thoroughly immediately after planting, and then maintain a regular watering schedule, especially during dry spells. Ensure that the top of the root ball remains moist, but avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot.

Can I create an instant hedge by planting in summer?

Planting a hedge in summer can promote rapid growth, but it is important to note that it may not result in an instant hedge within a short period. While the warm weather encourages growth, it still takes time for the plants to establish a strong root system and reach their desired height and density.

Is it advisable to plant a hedge in the middle of summer?

While it is generally recommended to avoid planting in the peak of summer when temperatures are high, planting in early summer or late summer can provide more favourable conditions for successful establishment. The milder temperatures during these periods can reduce stress on the newly planted hedge.

How long does it take for a summer-planted hedge to grow fully?

The time it takes for a hedge to reach its full growth potential depends on various factors, including the type of hedging plant, growing conditions, and care provided. Generally, the hedge may take several years to reach its desired height and density, regardless of whether it was planted in summer or during other seasons.

Can I trim or prune my newly planted hedge in summer?

It is generally recommended to avoid pruning or trimming newly planted hedges during the first year. Allow the plants to focus on establishing their root system and growing. Once the hedge has become established, typically after the first growing season, you can begin shaping and pruning it as desired.

Can I plant a hedge in summer in a hot and arid climate?

If you live in a hot and arid climate, planting a hedge in summer may be more challenging due to the extreme conditions. However, with careful selection of drought-tolerant hedging plants and implementation of proper watering techniques and shading, it is still possible to establish a hedge successfully.

Are there any specific care requirements for a hedge planted in summer?

In addition to regular watering, a hedge planted in summer may benefit from additional care measures such as applying organic mulch, protecting the plants from excessive heat and wind, and monitoring for pests and diseases. Regular inspection and maintenance will help ensure better health of the hedges.

Summer Hedge Trimming Mastery: Nurturing Your Greenery

Summer Hedge Trimming Mastery: Nurturing Your Greenery

With the arrival of summer’s warm weather, it’s the perfect opportunity to enhance our outdoor living spaces. An excellent starting point is to enhance the natural charm of your garden, and hedge trimming is a valuable technique to achieve this. Mastering the art of pruning during the summertime may seem daunting at first, but fear not! Our comprehensive guide will demonstrate just how effortless it can be with the essential knowledge of how to hedge trimming in summer. Within these tips, you’ll discover everything necessary to embark on your quest of unveiling your garden’s magnificence through expert hedge trimming.

Timing is Key: The Perfect Time of Year for Hedge Trimming

Trimming your hedge during the summer season can work wonders for its overall health and appearance. Early summer, after the spring growth spurt, is an ideal time to start cutting the hedge. This timing allows for the removal of any damaged or dead branches while encouraging fresh, vibrant growth for the rest of the season.

Informal Hedging: Embrace the Beauty of Natural Shape

One of the best practices for hedge trimming in summer is maintaining a natural shape. This involves working with the hedge’s existing contour and allowing it to retain its authenticity. Hand-held shears are perfect for informal hedging, as they offer precision and allow you to sculpt your hedge with care.

Tools for the Job: Mastering the Art of Hedge Trimming

To achieve pristine results, invest in high-quality tools designed for hedge trimming. Hand-held shears are excellent for small hedges or touch-ups. For larger hedges, a hedge trimmer is a time-saving and efficient option. Consider the size and type of your hedge before choosing the right tool for the job.

Taming the Giants: Conquering Tall Hedges

Trimming tall hedges can be a daunting task, but with the right techniques, it becomes a breeze. Always use a stable ladder or an extendable tool when working on tall hedges. Start by trimming the side of the hedge, carefully following its natural shape. Once the sides are complete, trim the top of the hedge, ensuring a uniform height.

Tips for Pruning Flowering Hedges

Flowering hedges add a touch of elegance to any garden, but pruning them requires a delicate touch. To avoid sacrificing the blooms, prune these hedges immediately after they finish flowering. This practice ensures you don’t inadvertently remove the buds forming for the next season.

Art of Formal Hedges: Turning Your Garden into a Sculpture

Formal hedges require precise and well-defined shapes to create a sense of order and elegance in your garden. A hedge trimmer is the tool of choice for these hedges, as it allows for straight lines and smooth edges. Be patient and take your time, as perfection in formal hedging is an art in itself.

The Top Tip for Hedge Trimming in Summer: Stay Hydrated

Amid the summer heat, it’s essential to take care of yourself as well. Hedge trimming can be physically demanding, so remember to stay hydrated throughout the process. Take breaks, seek shade, and wear appropriate clothing to protect yourself from the sun.

Final Thought

Hedge trimming in summer is an essential aspect of garden maintenance that reaps numerous rewards. By choosing the right time of year, embracing the natural shape of your hedges, and utilizing the appropriate tools, you can turn hedge trimming into an art form. Whether it’s tall hedges, flowering beauties, or formal masterpieces, nurturing your hedges will create a stunning backdrop for your outdoor sanctuary. So, don your gardening gloves, pick up your hedge trimmer or hand-held shears, and embark on a journey to transform your garden into a flourishing haven of beauty.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When is the best time to start hedge trimming in summer?

Early summer, after the spring growth spurt, is the ideal time to begin trimming your hedges in summer. This allows for the removal of any damaged or dead branches while promoting healthy growth throughout the season.

Can I trim my hedge in early spring instead of summer?

While early spring is a suitable time for some maintenance tasks, it is generally not recommended for extensive hedge trimming. Trimming hedges in early spring may disrupt the growth cycle and potentially harm the plant. It’s best to wait until summer for more significant trimming.

What tools do I need for hedge trimming in summer?

   – The tools you’ll need depend on the size and type of your hedges. Hand-held shears are ideal for precise trimming and shaping, while hedge trimmers are more efficient for larger hedges. Other useful tools may include loppers for thicker branches and a stable ladder for tall hedges.

How often should I trim my hedges during the summer?

The frequency of hedge trimming depends on the growth rate of your particular hedge. As a general guideline, trimming every 4-6 weeks during the active growth period in summer should help maintain a neat appearance. However, it’s important to monitor your hedges and trim them as needed to prevent excessive growth.

Can I trim flowering hedges in summer?

It’s generally best to trim flowering hedges immediately after they finish blooming. This timing allows the hedge to set new buds for the following season while still maintaining its beauty. Trimming too late in summer may result in cutting off the developing buds and reducing next year’s blooms.

Are there any safety precautions to consider while hedge trimming?

 Safety should always be a priority when working with tools and hedges. Wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and safety glasses, to prevent injuries. Ensure that the tools you use are in good working condition, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Be cautious when using ladders and always maintain stability and balance.

Can I shape my hedges into different forms, like animals or geometric shapes?

 While it is possible to create more intricate shapes with hedges, it requires advanced skills and regular maintenance. Geometric shapes and topiaries often require extensive pruning and shaping. It’s advisable to consult a professional or a skilled gardener if you’re interested in creating elaborate designs with your hedges.

Remember, hedge trimming in summer is an ongoing process that requires care and attention. By following the appropriate techniques, using the right tools, and considering the specific needs of your hedges, you can achieve stunning results and enjoy a beautiful, well-maintained garden all season long.

Summer care for hedges – How to Trim Hedges and other Tips

Summer care for hedges – How to Trim Hedges and other Tips

Summer care for hedges

Summer is a crucial time for hedge care. As the weather warms up, your hedges will start to grow more rapidly, and it’s essential to keep them in check. One question many gardeners ask is, “Can I trim my hedges now?” The answer is yes, especially for evergreens. Trimming hedges in summer helps to maintain their shape and promotes healthy growth.

Here are some key ways to maintain your hedges during the summer:

  1. Regular Trimming: Regular trimming is essential to keep your hedges in shape and to promote denser growth. It’s best to trim little and often, rather than cutting back a lot of growth at once. This will help to prevent the hedge from becoming too ‘woody’ and sparse.
  2. Watering: During the summer months, your hedges may need more water, especially in dry spells. Water deeply and less frequently to encourage the roots to grow deeper into the soil, which will make your hedges more drought-resistant.
  3. Feeding: Apply a slow-release fertiliser in early summer to provide your hedges with the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy. A well-fed hedge is more likely to be dense and vibrant.
  4. Mulching: Mulching around the base of your hedges can help to conserve moisture, suppress weeds and improve soil quality. Organic mulches, such as compost or well-rotted manure, can also provide additional nutrients.
  5. Pest and Disease Control: Keep an eye out for signs of pests or diseases, such as discoloured leaves or unusual growths. Early detection and treatment can prevent these problems from spreading and causing more damage.
  6. Pruning: Pruning involves removing dead or diseased branches to allow more light and air to reach the inner parts of the hedge. It’s best to prune your hedges on a cool, cloudy day to prevent the cut leaves from getting sunburnt.

Remember, the key to maintaining healthy hedges is regular care and attention. By following these steps, you can ensure that your hedges stay healthy and look great throughout the summer.


Summer Care for Hedges

Why is it Important to Cut Your Hedge in Summer?

Hedge cutting is not just about aesthetics. It’s also about the health of your hedges. Regular trimming prevents hedges from becoming overgrown, which can lead to problems with pests and diseases. It also encourages denser growth, making your hedges look fuller and more attractive.

Here are some key reasons why hedge-cutting is particularly important in the summer:

  1. Promotes Healthy Growth: Regular hedge cutting in the summer encourages new growth and helps to maintain the health and vitality of your hedges. It ensures that light and air can reach all parts of the hedge, which is essential for photosynthesis and overall plant health.
  2. Controls Pests and Diseases: Overgrown hedges can become a breeding ground for pests and diseases. Regular trimming in the summer helps to keep these issues in check. It allows you to spot any early signs of infestation or disease and take action before they can cause significant damage.
  3. Maintains Shape and Density: Summer is the main growing season for many types of hedges. Regular cutting during this time helps to maintain the shape of your hedges and promotes denser growth. This results in a fuller, more attractive hedge.
  4. Prevents Damage: Overgrown hedges can become heavy and may risk damage in high winds or storms. Regular trimming helps to keep the hedge manageable and reduces the risk of branches breaking off.
  5. Enhances Flowering: For hedges that produce flowers, regular trimming can stimulate the production of flower buds. This means you could enjoy a more vibrant and colourful display the following year.

Remember, while summer hedge cutting is beneficial, it’s essential to avoid cutting during the bird nesting season (usually March to August in the UK) to avoid disturbing nesting birds. Always check your hedges for nests before you start cutting.

Prune Your Hedges for Optimal Health

Pruning is another essential aspect of summer hedge care. This involves removing dead or diseased branches to allow more light and air to reach the inner parts of the hedge. It’s best to prune your hedges on a cool, cloudy day to prevent the cut leaves from getting sunburnt.

Here are some key reasons why pruning your hedges is crucial for their optimal health:

  1. Promotes Healthy Growth: Pruning encourages new growth by allowing more light and air to reach the inner parts of the hedge. This can lead to a denser, healthier hedge with more vibrant foliage.
  2. Controls Pests and Diseases: By removing dead or diseased branches, you can help prevent the spread of pests and diseases that could harm your hedge. Pruning also allows you to spot any early signs of trouble, so you can take action before it’s too late.
  3. Improves Appearance: Pruning helps to maintain the shape and structure of your hedges, leading to a more attractive appearance. It can also stimulate flowering in certain types of hedges, leading to a more colourful display.
  4. Boosts Longevity: Regular pruning can help to prolong the life of your hedges by maintaining their health and vitality. A well-pruned hedge is more likely to withstand the challenges of pests, diseases, and harsh weather.
  5. Encourages Fruit and Flower Production: For hedges that produce flowers or berries, pruning can stimulate the production of flower buds and fruit. This not only enhances the appearance of your hedge but can also provide food for local wildlife.

Remember, while pruning is beneficial, it’s important to do it correctly to avoid causing unnecessary stress to the hedge. Always use sharp, clean tools and make your cuts at a slight angle to allow water to run off.

Feeding and Watering Your Hedges

Just like any other plant, hedges need proper nutrition and hydration to thrive. During the summer months, it’s especially important to water your hedges regularly, as they can quickly dry out in the heat.

Feeding your hedges is also crucial. A slow-release fertiliser applied in early summer can provide your hedges with the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy. Remember, a well-fed hedge is a happy hedge!

Summer care for hedges Woman,Holding,A,Hosepipe,Spraying,Water,Onto,Crops,To,Water

Here are some key tips for feeding and watering your hedges in summer:

  1. Water Deeply and Infrequently: Instead of watering a little every day, it’s better to water your hedges deeply and less frequently. This encourages the roots to grow deeper into the soil, making your hedges more resilient in dry conditions.
  2. Use Mulch to Retain Moisture: Applying a layer of organic mulch around the base of your hedges can help to conserve moisture in the soil. This is particularly beneficial during hot, dry periods.
  3. Feed with a Balanced Fertiliser: Hedges benefit from a balanced, slow-release fertiliser applied in early summer. This provides a steady supply of nutrients over several weeks, supporting healthy growth.
  4. Don’t Overfeed: While it’s important to feed your hedges, overdoing it can cause more harm than good. Excess fertiliser can lead to rapid, weak growth and increase susceptibility to pests and diseases.
  5. Water in the Morning or Evening: To reduce water loss through evaporation, it’s best to water your hedges in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler.
  6. Check Soil Moisture Levels: Before watering, check the moisture level of the soil. If it’s still damp from the last watering, you can wait a little longer. Overwatering can be just as harmful as underwatering.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your hedges receive the hydration and nutrition they need to thrive during the summer months.

Planning for Autumn Hedge Planting

Summer is also the perfect time to start planning any new hedging or screening you might want to add to your garden. With everything in leaf, you can get a good idea of how different plants will look and where they might fit in your garden layout.

Remember, autumn is an excellent time for planting hedges. The soil is still warm from the summer, which helps the roots establish before winter. So, if you’re asking, “Can you trim hedges in September?” the answer is yes, and it’s also a great time to plant new ones!

Here are some key tips for planning your autumn hedge planting:

  1. Consider Your Space: Look at the space you have available and consider the size and shape of the hedges you want to plant. Remember, hedges can grow quite large, so make sure you have enough space for them to grow without becoming overcrowded.
  2. Choose the Right Plants: Not all plants are suitable for hedging. Consider the growing conditions in your garden (such as soil type and sunlight levels) and choose plants that will thrive in those conditions.
  3. Plan for Diversity: Consider planting a mix of different species to create a more diverse and attractive hedge. This can also benefit local wildlife by providing a range of food and habitat options.
  4. Prepare the Soil: Before planting, prepare the soil by removing any weeds and adding organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure. This will improve soil fertility and help your new hedges to establish more quickly.
  5. Think About Maintenance: Some hedges require more maintenance than others. Consider how much time you’re willing to spend on hedge maintenance and choose your plants accordingly.
  6. Plan for the Future: Remember, hedges are a long-term investment. Consider how your hedges will look in five or ten years’ time and plan accordingly.

By planning your hedge planting in the summer, you can ensure that you’re ready to go when autumn arrives, giving your new hedges the best possible start.



Frequently Asked Questions About Hedge Care

Should you trim hedges in summer?

Yes, summer is an excellent time to trim most types of hedges, especially evergreens. Regular trimming helps to maintain the shape of your hedges and promotes denser, healthier growth.

How do I keep my hedges healthy?

Keeping your hedges healthy involves regular trimming, proper feeding, and watering. It’s also important to check your hedges for signs of pests or diseases and to treat any problems as soon as they arise.

What month is best to trim hedges?

The best month to trim hedges depends on the type of hedge. Evergreen hedges can be trimmed in early to mid-summer, while deciduous hedges are best pruned in late summer.

When should you not trim hedges?

You should avoid trimming hedges in late autumn and winter when many plants are dormant. Also, avoid trimming during nesting season (usually March to August in the UK) to avoid disturbing nesting birds.

Timing is Everything: When is the Best Time to Trim Hedges?

Timing is Everything: When is the Best Time to Trim Hedges?

When is the best time to trim hedges? The answer to this question may surprise you. The best time to trim hedges is when new growth begins in the spring. However, the truth is that the best time to trim hedges is in the late fall or winter. The best time to trim hedges depends on your hedge type and when it was last cut. This blog post will discuss the best time to trim different hedges. We will discuss why it’s essential to trim hedges at other times of the year and give you tips on how to do it correctly!

Understanding Why Trimming Hedges Is Important:

Trimming hedges is important for several reasons. It helps keep the hedge healthy by promoting new growth and removing dead, damaged, or diseased branches. Regular trimming also helps to maintain its shape and size. By ensuring that your hedges are trimmed correctly at the right time, you can help them look their best!

Knowing the Types of Hedges That Need Trimming:

The type of hedge you have will determine when to trim it. For example, evergreen hedges like yews and boxwoods should be cut in the late fall or winter. Deciduous hedges like hollies, viburnums tinus, and hawthorns can be trimmed in the spring or summer. It’s important to know which type of hedge to trim correctly at the right time!

Understanding When to Start Pruning Your Hedges:

Once you know your type of hedge, the next step is to figure out when to start pruning. Typically, evergreen hedges should be trimmed in the late fall or winter, while deciduous hedges should be pruned in the spring or summer. If it’s been a while since your hedge was last trimmed, it’s best to wait until late fall or winter before starting any pruning. It gives your hedge enough time to grow and fill out before decorating.

Different Types of Pruning for Different Hedge Types:

Depending on the type of hedge you have, different types of pruning may need to be done. For example, evergreen hedges should generally be trimmed in a uniform shape. It means removing any excess branches evenly throughout the entire hedge to keep it neat and tidy. Deciduous hedges can also benefit from trimming, but they don’t need to be as precise with their shapes as evergreens.

Choosing the Right Tools to Use for Trimming :

It’s essential to use the right tools for trimming hedges. Hedge shears are great for evergreen or coniferous hedges, as they can easily shape and prune them. Loppers are better suited for deciduous hedges, as they have a larger cutting capacity and can handle thicker branches. Whatever type of tool you choose, make sure it is sharp so your hedge looks its best!

How to Properly Cut Back the Growth Without Damaging the Plant?

The most important thing to remember when trimming hedges is not to damage the plant. When cutting back branches, ensure you do so at a 45-degree angle and avoid leaving too many stubs. It will help ensure your hedge looks its best and grows healthy new growth!

Safety Tips While Trimming Hedges:

Finally, it is important to keep safety in mind while trimming hedges. Always wear protective gloves and eyewear when trimming your hedge, and use a ladder or step stool if necessary. Also, make sure you are using the right tools for the job and that they are sharp. It will help prevent any unnecessary accidents or injuries!

Establishing a Routine Schedule for Trimming Your Hedges:

Once you have determined the best time to trim your hedges, setting a routine schedule is important. Depending on your type of hedge, this can be as often as every three to four months or as little as once a year. Keeping up with regular trimmings will help ensure that your hedge looks its best and stays healthy! Now that you know the best time to trim hedges, all that’s left for you to do is get started! With these tips in mind, you should be on your way towards having beautiful and healthy hedges in no time.

When Is the Best Time to Start?

Trimming hedges can be time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to take up too much of your day. Depending on the size and type of hedge you have, it could take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours to trim. Start by estimating how long it will take you so that you can plan accordingly and make sure there is enough time for the job. Once you know how long it takes, you can decide when the best time is to start pruning!

Final thought:

Trimming hedges is integral to keeping your garden neat and tidy. With the right tools and knowledge, you can easily save your hedge and keep it in good shape for years. Just know when the best time is to start pruning, how much time it will take, and follow safety precautions while trimming!


Spring Hedge Care: 5 Tips for Feeding, Watering, and Trimming

Spring Hedge Care: 5 Tips for Feeding, Watering, and Trimming

Spring is the perfect time to trim hedges and give them the care they need to thrive. Here’s everything you need to know about spring hedge care.

As the weather warms up, your hedges will begin to grow and require more nutrients and water to support their growth. At Readyhedge, we put the health and growth of our hedges as paramount, as such we know a thing or two about spring hedge care!

From feeding and watering to trimming and pruning, please find our top tips for spring hedge care below.

Spring Hedge Care

Why Spring Hedge Care is Essential

Spring is the perfect time to care for your hedges, as they begin their growth cycle. By taking care of them now, you can ensure they will look their best throughout the year.

Hedges are also the perfect habitat for some wildlife, including hedgehogs, nesting birds, and invertebrates. With this in mind, it is advantageous to your garden’s bio diversity to keep the hedges in tip-top shape.

To support this growth, your hedges will need extra nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

By feeding your hedge as Spring blossoms, you can ensure that they have the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy. Choose a balanced fertiliser and follow the instructions on the label for application rates.

Readyhedge Box (Buxus sempervirens) trough hedge

1. Feeding Your Hedge

Feeding your hedge is an essential part of spring hedge care. As the soil warms up, your hedge will start to come back to life, and it will need plenty of nutrients to support its growth. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Choose a balanced fertiliser with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and apply it evenly around the base of your hedge. This will provide your hedge with the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.
  2. Use a garden fork or cultivator to work the fertiliser into the soil, being careful not to damage the roots.
  3. Apply the fertiliser in early spring and again in late summer to provide your hedge with the nutrients they need throughout the growing season.

2. Watering Your Hedge

Watering your hedge is also an essential part of spring hedge care. As the weather warms up, your hedge will require more water to support its growth. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Water deeply once a week to encourage deep root growth and nutrient absorption. Be sure to water your hedge early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid evaporation.
  2. Make sure the soil around your hedge is moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other problems.
  3. Consider using a soaker hose or drip irrigation system to deliver water directly to the roots of your hedge. This can help to conserve water and ensure that your hedges get the moisture they need to thrive.

3. Best Time to Trim Hedges

Who doesn’t want their hedges to look good? Trimming your hedges and keeping their shape is an integral part of keeping your outdoor space pleasing to the eye.

The best time to cut hedges back is in early spring before new growth begins. This is only relevant for deciduous hedges, for evergreen hedges it’s best after it had its first flush of growth.

Trimming your hedges at this time will encourage bushier growth and promote healthy development throughout the growing season. Here are some tips for trimming your hedges:

  1. Use sharp, clean shears or hedge trimmers to make clean cuts and avoid damaging the plant.
  2. Start at the top and work your way down, trimming a little bit at a time. This will help you to maintain an even shape and avoid accidentally cutting too much.
  3. Step back from your hedge periodically to check your progress and ensure you’re happy with the shape.

4. Pest Prevention

By taking care of your hedge in the spring, you can help prevent pest problems later in the season. When your hedge is healthy and strong, it is less likely to be attacked by pests such as mites, aphids, and scale insects. By taking care of your hedge now, you can prevent these pests from taking hold and damaging your plants. Here are some helpful tips to prevent pests before they become a big problem:

  1. Regularly inspect your hedge. If you catch pests early, you can limit the damage. Check for any evidence of mites, aphids, or scale insects. To be extra thorough, get yourself a magnifying glass and comb over your leaves and stems. Keep a keen eye out for any discolouration.
  2. Keep your hedge healthy! The best way to prevent pests is by maintaining your hedge in the first place. Make sure your plants are getting the nutrients they need.
  3. Prune your hedges properly! Overgrown hedges provide an ideal habitat for pests, giving them plenty of coverage from outside dangers.  So, keep them well trimmed but don’t cut back too far – this can stress the plants and in turn make them more susceptible to pests. More on pruning below…

5. Pruning Your Hedge

Pruning your hedge is another essential part of spring hedge care. Pruning helps to remove any dead, damaged, or diseased branches, which can promote healthy growth and prevent the spread of disease. Here’s what you need to know about pruning your hedge:

Spring hedge care

  1. Use clean, sharp pruning shears to make clean cuts and avoid damaging the plant.
  2. Remove any dead, damaged, or diseased branches to promote healthy growth.
  3. Shape your hedge by removing any overly long or straggly branches. Just be careful not to remove too much growth at once, as this can stress the plant and make it more susceptible to disease and pests.


In conclusion, spring is the best time to give your hedge the care they need to thrive. Feeding and watering your hedge, along with trimming and pruning, will promote healthy growth and ensure that your hedge looks its best all season long. Remember to trim your hedge in early spring before new growth begins and to remove any dead, damaged, or diseased branches.

If you have any questions about Spring hedge care and how to maintain your hedge in the best possible way, please don’t hesitate to contact us.