Readyhedge using the Hunter IMMS Irrigation system
Instant Hedge Growers Readyhedge Instal New Irrigation System
Here at Readyhedge we had the Hunter IMMS (Irrigation Management & Monitoring Software) installed over the winter of 2017-18. During the summer of this year it has proven to be a very useful addition to our irrigation system. It gives us the ability to improve control of the watering on the whole nursery to ensure all our instant hedges and trees stay well watered. With this summer being such a warm one it has definitely had the perfect test to show its capabilities. The software that syncs to the control panels in the pump house via GPRS phone signal, gives us so much scope for fine tuning watering times and length of watering on the beds. The software has allowed a hunter engineer to develop a map of the nursery and label the readyhedge bed names with the control valve locations and corresponding numbers.
This means with just a couple of clicks of a button in the office we can edit the watering duration depending on whether we need longer or less time on specific beds. Before this would have been done by manually using the hunter control panel. This ease of use means water can be used more efficiently as tweaking on times is done much more regularly therefore making sure plants are getting the right amount of water but also not too much wastage. The IMMS software records the recent rainfall and evapotranspiration which means now we are familiar with the system we can start to incorporate this data so watering becomes even more efficient because the system will work out when and how much water is needed, depending on weather conditions, taking the guesswork out of watering our huge range of instant hedges.
“Hunter’s Irrigation Management & Monitoring Software (IMMS) is a PC-based software package that makes central control of large-scale irrigation systems affordable, usable, and comprehensible. IMMS software and hardware have been intensively developed and refined into a graphically based irrigation command and control program. The IMMS interactive map graphics put irrigation system manager Liam in complete visual control of wide-area watering operations. Liam at Readyhedge also chose the optional plug-in ET software module which provides complete weather-based irrigation, using inexpensive local ET sensors. Liam now has total control of each controller’s functions.
Readyhedge has two ACC controllers linked to the system on site with the scope to add up to an impressive 9,998 more controllers if they wish! The IMMS system can provide alarm reporting and detailed irrigation history reports. IMMS can also track total water usage by site, controller, program, and station. Keeping detailed historical records.“
This has been a great addition to the Readyhedge HQ and we are delighted to now be able to offer customers instant hedges that have been watered using the most innovative irrigation system on the market!