Thorn, Sloe, Hornbeam
The inspiration for the Mixed Native Hedging instant hedge comes from the hedgerows that roll across the British countryside. They are a random mix of different varieties but underpinning nearly all of it is hawthorn. The mixes that we supply are 60% hawthorn with the rest made up of other varieties that are proven to perform well across nearly all of the United Kingdom. The plants in these mixes will all give good cover, shelter and food for a wide range of animals, birds and insects. Being container-grown this hedging will establish faster than the traditional way of planting a mixed hedge and due to its density, it will not need rabbit guards when planted.
The Mixed Native Hedging Readybag Hedging is supplied in 2 mixes; Mix 1 is Hawthorn, Field Maple, Hazel and Mix 2 is Hawthorn, Sloe, Hornbeam.
It is possible when trimming the Mixed Native Hedging instant hedge to leave certain plants un-trimmed to form small trees to add extra cover and interest to the hedge. The Best ones for leaving untrimmed are Field Maple, Sloe, and Hornbeam.
The bigger the number of plants in a mixed hedge the more diversity of beneficial insects and animals that can be supported and the healthy the local area will be.
Mixed Native Hedging Readybag Mix 2 is made up of Hawthorn, Sloe and Hornbeam. The Sloe sometimes also called Black Thorn is a very commonly know plant much for hedging animals in due to its thorns, but it is also much appreciated for its fruit which go into making Sloe Gin. The Hornbeam forms a large tree if allowed to grow un-trimmed and is great for wildlife. The Sloe is an early flowering plants which is very beneficial for early flying insects in the spring.