Trough Range
Our trough hedges provide an instant, fully established solution for creating privacy and structure in any outdoor space. Available in various species, they are ideal for quick installation and immediate impact in gardens or landscaping projects.
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Common Box (Buxus sempervirens) Trough Hedge

Taxus baccata Trough

Fagus sylvatica (Green Beech) Trough

Prunus lus. Angustifolia Trough

Carpinus betulus Trough

Mixed Native Hedging Trough Mix 1 (Thorn, Hazel, Maple)

Mixed Native Hedging Trough Mix 2 (Thorn, Sloe, Hornbeam)

Ilex crenata ‘Dark Green’ Trough

Lonicera nitida Trough

Euonymus ‘Jean Hugues’ Trough

Osmanthus burkwoodii Trough

Fagus syl. Purpurea Trough

Ligustrum ovalifolium Trough

Lonicera ‘Purple Storm’ Trough

Mixed Native Hedging Trough Mix 4 Thorn, Elm, Rowan)