Panels & Screens
Pre-grown hedge panels and pleached tree screens offer a quick solution for instant privacy and structure. Ideal for dividing spaces or creating living walls with minimal effort.
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Carpinus Betulus aerial screening

Tilia cordata Greenspire Aerial screening

Corylus colurna Screening Panel

Prunus lus. Brenalia aerial screening

Sorbus aria Magnifica (Whitebeam)

Tilia x europaea ‘Golden Sunset’ (wiltil)

Ilex aq. Nellie Stevens

Fagus sylvatica aerial screen

Holm Oak (Quercus ilex) Screening Panel

Pyrus cal. Chanticleer

Prunus lau. Novita aerial screening

Prunus lus. Angustifolia aerial screening

Photinia Red Robin Aerial Screening

Parrotia Persica Aerial Screening