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5 Common Hedge Problems

During the summer you can get various pests and diseases, even on the best cared for hedge.  These are the most common hedge problems that you might come across!


5 Common Hedge Problems: Pests & Diseases




Common hedge problems Aphids


One of the most common hedge problems is the well known pest, the aphid. They are easily visible to the naked eye, which makes them much easier to spot and identify. Aphids have a very fast breeding cycle that allows them to increase in numbers very quickly. They are normally found in clusters on the ends of new growth where the bark of the plant is easier to penetrate, allowing them to feed. Depending on the variety of aphid they vary in colour from green to black. Aphids are a great food source for small birds and beneficial insects like Lace wings and Ladybirds.

Easy to treat with a systemic insecticide, if left untreated they will stunt the new growth of the plant and they can also lead to secondary problems like Sooty Mildew.


Adult Vine Weevil


Larger than Aphids, Vine Weevil adults tend to hide at the base of plants during the day and climb out as it gets dark to feed on the leaves. They tend to hide at the slightest movement and unless you’re lucky to see one walking on the ground the best indication of the presence of Adult Vine Weevil is the characteristic notching on the edges of the leaves. Treatment is possible with certain systemic insecticides. Ideally they are treated as soon a they are seen or suspected to prevent them breeding as the larvae feeds on plant roots and can cause much deeper damage.


Spider Mite


common hedge problems spider mite


Another mite, that is a common hedge problem, is the spider mite. Spider mites are much smaller than aphids and are normally only visible under a magnifying glass. As such, the only way to identify them is by looking for the tell tale marks on the leaves of plants. The normal indication is that the surface of a leaf has a mottled or speckled look. Apart from the visual look spider mites can cause a lot more damage to a plant than their small size might indicate, so it’s key to get rid of them as soon as possible. As with other common hedge problems, they are easily treated with a systemic insecticide.




One of the most obvious pests that you can find on plants is the caterpillar. Catterpillars vary in size and colour, some are found in small groups or by themselves where as others are found in large communal groups and have woven nests. Caterpillars are able to cause a lot of damage and in the case of Box Moth caterpillar or Ermine Moth Caterpillar, are able to totally defoliate the plants and in the laters case leave an unsightly web across the plant.




common hedge problems mildew


Mildew is one of the more common hedge problems we’re seeing at the moment and is a fungal disease and is moved by spores floating in the air. The outward signs are a white coating on the topsides of the leaves. If left untreated mildew can cause the leaves to start to die off. It normally forms in areas that have a lower airflow and have a relatively high humidity, so it can sometimes be seen on one side of the hedge and not the other, depending on its planting position. In a hot dry summer, mildews are not as prolific as when you have a warm damp summer like we are having in 2024. Mildew can be treated easily with a systemic fungicide, however, while this may kill the fungus it will not remove it from the leaves. A light trim a few weeks after treating will help with this. 


These are just some of the more common hedge problems you may encounter in your garden. Luckily most are easy to treat once identified, so make sure to get out and keep an eye on your hedging, to ensure quick recovery and to avoid too much damage.

As always, any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to to our team, or for more information on our hedging get in touch!